Water Quality Information

Water Quality on the Ohio River


The Ohio River is one of the nation’s great natural resources. The Ohio River not only provides drinking water for over 5 million people, but serves as a warm water habitat for aquatic life, provides numerous recreational opportunities, is used as a major transportation corridor, and is a source of water for the manufacturing and power industries.

Since 1948, ORSANCO and its member states have cooperated to improve water quality in the Ohio River Basin, ensuring the river can be used for drinking, industrial supplies, and recreational purposes; and can support a healthy and diverse aquatic community. ORSANCO additionally provides river users with information and data about the Ohio River.

Challenges in water quality that support the aforementioned uses are not unique to the Ohio River. ORSANCO will continue to monitor the Ohio River and keep the public informed with pertinent data and water quality information. Aquatic life has improved due to the monitoring and reporting efforts of ORSANCO. View Ohio River annual Pool Assessments here.

Read more about current water quality challenges facing the Ohio River.