Nietch CT, Gains-Germain L, Lazorchak J, Keely SP, Youngstrom G, Urichich EM, Astifan B, DaSilva A, Mayfield H. Development of a Risk Characterization Tool for Harmful Cyanobacteria Blooms on the Ohio River. Water. 2022; 14(4):644. |
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Mercury Concentrations in Water and Hybrid Striped Bass Muscle Tissue Sampled Collected from the Ohio River. 2010. |
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Yoder, C.O. and E.B. Emery. 2004. Updating a temperature criteria methodology for the Ohio River mainstem, pp.4-1 to 4-13. in Proceedings from the EPRI Workshop on 316(a) Issues: Technical and Regulatory Considerations: October 16-17, 2003, EPRI, Palo Alto CA, and American Electric Power Company, Columbus, OH: 2004. 1008476. |
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Simon, T.P. and E.B. Emery. 1995. Modification and Assessment of an Index of Biotic Integrity to Quantify Water Resource Quality in Great Rivers. Regulated Rivers: Research and Management, Vol. 11, 283-298. |
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J. A. Thomas, E. B. Emery and F. H. McCormick. 2005. Detection of temporal trends in Ohio River fish assemblages based on lockchamber surveys (1957-2001). Pages 431-449 in J. N. Rinne, R.M. Hughes, and B. Calamusso, editors. Historical changes in large river fish assemblages of the Americas. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 45, Bethesda, Maryland. |
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Emery, E.B. and A. H. Vicory Jr. 1998. Biological Criteria Development for the Ohio River, USA. PP. 411-418. In U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. Proceedings of the NWQMC National Conference Monitoring: Critical Foundations to Protect Our Waters. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. 663 pp. |
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Emery, E.B., T.P. Simon, and R. Ovies. 1998. Influence of the family Catostomidae on the metrics developed for a Great River index of biotic integrity. PP. 203-224. In T.P. Simon (ed). Assessing the Sustainability and Biological Integrity of Water Resources using Fish Communities. CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL. 652 pp. |
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Emery, E.B., F.H. McCormick and T.P. Simon. 2002. Response Patterns of Great River Fish Assemblage Metrics to Outfall Effects from Point Source Discharges. In T.P. Simon (Ed.). Biological Response Signatures: Patterns in Biological Indicators for assessing Freshwater Aquatic Assemblages. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. |
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Emery, E.B., J.A Thomas M. Bagley, and T.R. Angradi. 2006. Fish. In Angradi, T.R. (editor) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program: Great River Ecosystems, Field Operations Manual. EPA/620/R-06/002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. |
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Emery, E.B., and J.A. Thomas. 2002. A method for assessing outfall effects on Great River fish populations: the traveling zone approach. In T.P. Simon (Ed.). Biological Response Signatures: Patterns in Biological Indicators for assessing Freshwater Aquatic Assemblages. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. |
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Emery, E. B., T. P. Simon, F. H. McCormick, P. L. Angermeier, J. E. DeShon, C. O. Yoder, R. E. Sanders, W. D. Pearson, G. D. Hickman, R.J. Reash, and J. A. Thomas. 2003. Development of a Multimetric Index for Assessing the Biological Condition of the Ohio River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 132:791-808. |
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Blocksom, K.A., E. Emery, and J. Thomas. 2006. Comparison of random and systematic site selection for assessing attainment of aquatic life uses in segments of the Ohio River. EPA 600/R-06/089. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Exposure Research Laboratory, Cincinnati, Ohio. |
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Wooten, M.S., B.R. Johnson and E.B. Emery. 2006. Temporal variation in Ohio River macroinvertebrates: a historical comparison of rock basket sampling (1965-1971 and 2002). The Journal of Freshwater Ecology. Vol 21 (4), 561-574. |
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Applegate, J.M., P.C. Baumann, E.B. Emery, and M.S. Wooten. 2007. First steps in developing a multimetric macroinvertebrate index for the Ohio River. River Research and Applications. Vol 23: 683-697. |
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Argent, D.G., W.G. Kimmel, R. Lorson, and E. Emery. 2007. Ichthyofauna of the Monongahela River Basin in Pennsylvania: a contemporary evaluation. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:617-628. |
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